Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Teach the teacher..


i taught for the first time at elite prep on sunday! ahhh! i was freaking myself out for most of the week. i was thinking, wow, how am i going to do this? i know NOTHING about how to prep people for the SAT..except for the fact that i wore a superman t-shirt and listened to classical music the night before i took it my second time because that was suppose to help you get a better score. yeah...and my score only went up 10 points after such efforts. astonishing!

yet, the place that we get our material from to teach our classes is so awesome. they give us all the grammar lessons we teach, so our job is to prep like crazy so we can become pros when instructing the 11th and 12th graders...acting as if we know what we are doing. at least that is what i was doing.

so i taught two different sessions for an hour and a half..even though i thought i wouldnt be able to fit everything in, it went by super fast, and i did have time to do stuff i didnt think i would be able to do.

i thought i would have to be really mean so i could keep control in the class, but most of the kids are pretty quiet and didnt give me any trouble...yet..but if they do such things as speak in a language other than english there is recourse. they have to eat a harry potter jelly bean, one of the gross flavors like vomit and boggers. they have to tell you what it tastes like too cuz if they dont they might have just swallowed it. i told the kids, i love harry potter, so i would be eager to spread some harry potter fun if i hear any other languages. most of the kids just looked freaked out after i said that, but someone in the second class laughed. how nice of them.

now i get to prepare to teach book club on saturday. i hope i can come up with some good curriculum for this 3-hour book club class on lives of a cell. how do i make a book about how all the world is like a cell exciting? im sure i will find a way...at least i hope so. i dont want the kids to hate me right away for giving them a boring book. maybe later, but not immediately.


i started my thai class yesterday. its going to be mon-fri from 8am-noon. it's intense! there are about 12 students in the class, most of them are korean, two are japanese, one english dude, and then me and my korean american friend from work. my khru (that means teacher in thai-- its not her first name which is what i thought for the first hour of class) is so hilarious! she will make fun of us when we say things funny or weird, but in a good way that makes the class lighthearted and not stressful. so she has been having lots of fun with me.

i usually am unsure about how to pronounce the vowels and constonants, and the five different tonal sounds, so when it's my turn to speak i say my answer in a confused, unsure way. khru kept laughing at me, and told me she loved me. at least i bring her some amusement! my homework is to learn my thai numbers. we have to go around and say how many problems we got wrong after we do an exercise, and i was the only one who couldnt remember how to say the numbers in thai. so i kept asking my friend secretly..khru caught on..oh well, she said next week if we speak in another language than thai we have to pay her 15 baht to go toward her future trip to hong kong. at least it's better than a harry potter jelly bean.

to bed i go...leave some love. =)


Mari said...

I finally found you! I am glad you are doing okay. I really enjoyed the picture of the dressed up bunnies. What will they think of next?
It is late for me, early for you. Tell the sun I said Hi and that I am happy he will come shine on me after he has shinned on you. Mish gets him last...
Aunt Mari

Anonymous said...

great storys. You are the funnest person to hear speak different languages. :D remember our 'googlie' language? yea,the best.


Ebs said...

i'm very proud of you!!